Beaconhill Out of School Club
We are very proud of our Wraparound Care which runs from 07:45 - 08:45 each morning and 15:15 - 17:15 after school (or from 15:00 for children in Nursery).
We aim for Beaconhill Out of School Club to provide an environment where children can develop socially, physically and creatively through a variety of planned activities and play opportunities. We want OOSC to be something that children actively want to attend and we work closely with the children to determine what opportunities the club provides.
All of our staff are also employed as full time members of staff in school. This is hugely beneficial as we know our children very well. Any issues before, during or after school will be dealt with by the people who know our children the best. This allows for smooth transition between wraparound care and the normal school day.
Breakfast Club
07:45 - 08:45 - £3.00 per pupil
After School Club
15:15 - 16:15 = £4.00 per pupil
15:15 - 17:15 = £7.00 per pupil
*Please note that on the last day of the school term (Christmas, Easter and Summer). OOSC will close at 16:15
Through discussions with the children who use our breakfast club, we have extended our breakfast offer to include a broader range of cereal, fruit and toast as well as having weekly ‘treat’ breakfasts e.g. pancakes, waffles, fruit and yoghurt or croissants.
We also have themed sessions across the week to make each day as fun and engaging as possible. We have invested in new resources, including a Nintendo Switch, lego, brio, board games and arts/crafts materials, to ensure the children always have a brilliant time.
Booking Your Child’s Place
All bookings are made electronically and paid in advance using SchoolMoney. Bookings will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. We will endeavour to accommodate parents/carers wherever possible so if you are unable to book online, please contact the school office and we will do what we can to support you.